Monday, August 4, 2008

Land Area of Barangays within the Proposed Municipality

The proposed Municipality of Matutum is composed of 9 barangays, one of which is considered urban and eight are classified as rural. The urban barangay is Cannery Site which is considered as the largest population center in the proposed municipality. The rural barangays are Klinan 6, Upper Klinan, Landan, Polo, Kinilis, Maligo, Palkan, Lamcaliaf.

Land Area By Barangay.

Barangay Land Area (has.)

1• Cannery Site 1,407

2• Kinilis 2,557

3• Klinan 6 1,040

4• Lamcaliaf 1,284

5• Landan 2,902

6• Maligo 1,902

7• Palkan 3,420

8• Polo 1,784

9• Upper Klinan 1,859

Total 18,155

Source : MPDC- Polomolok
year 2007

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South Cotabato, Philippines
Your dream has brought you where you are now, because your dream today is the reality of tomorrow.